Indigo Carmine, Certified, C.N. #DcI-7

(Acid Blue 74; Carmine Blue; Indigotine 1, 1A)
C16H8N2O8S2Na2   F.W.466.36   CAS #860-22-0
Dye content: approx. 85%
Solubility: 1.3% Water; 0.0% Alcohol; 4.0% Cellosolve; 2.85% Glycol; 0.0% Xylene
Shunway's stain for animal embryos. Used with Acid Fuchsin for staining Negri bodies. Stain Tech., 5, 34 (1928)
Counterstain to Hematoxylin for staining vaginal smears. Am. J. Anat., 61, 505 (1937).

Technical Tip

Achieving Maximum Contrast with Stain.

Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 16910 Description: Indigo Carmine, Certified - SALE Pack: 25 g Price: $70.00 Add to Quote: